rev.joshua skirvin's Posts (4869)

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A World Led by Love; i am Kejraj!.

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, i am Kejraj!

You are entering a time of great excitement, and yes, turbulence is expected. This is only natural for an ascending world. Your love is understood, however, your fear of loss must dissolve. For it is time to take flight.

The collapse of the old systems as we stated is a natural part of the process in an ascending world. This is what’s unfolding on Earth at this time.

You cannot ask for change for the better, while wanting to preserve some of the old inventions of those who seek to have total control of your planet.

In order for true growth to occur in a world, the mind and the heart of the individual must become entirely free and sovereign, allowing an expansion of consciousness, leading to the creation of a higher and joyous way of living.

The Third Dimensional matrix and all its structures which were put in place by the dark, are to be dissolved. The future of the current system is one without money, without work, without freedoms, and the reliance of the citizen on the government for everything. At least that is the dark’s goal. This is for those who choose to let fear come into play and refuse to let go of the old world. Those who refuse to see and trust that the Divine has something magnificent in store for humanity, that is an entirely separate reality and dimension from the current matrix.

The old way of doing things has reached its dead end. You are at the end of the current timeline. Breathe, and jump into the next one.

It is time to close the book of humanity’s story in the matrix of limitation and duality. It is time to begin a new and divinely inspired story where the world is led by love and built with love.

It is time to make the journey from the mind to the heart, and allow the divine light from within you to unfold, and realign yourselves with Creator, and the Universal flow you call love.

Daily Message for 5/9/2024


Open up to the Universal truth that the cosmos is filled with intelligent life. From physical worlds and civilizations, to the spiritual realms of light. A time approaches where humanity will meet with many beings from different parts of the galaxy, and Earth becomes a full member of the Galactic community. This cannot happen in the current frequencies and circumstances of the world. Many portals are being activated, in an effort to help humans further expand in consciousness. The planet is being flooded with new light as it moves closer to the Galactic Center, to help Earth and her inhabitants reach the higher timelines where open contact is safe and possible. The veil that remains is nearly transparent. A new story of your journey of expansion begins soon. ~Kejraj

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As the sun portal continues to release X class solar flares we are reminded that self care is imperative

These solar flares shoot out from the sun portal and create waves of energy that hit the earth

This energy comes into our atmosphere and creates ripples of energy waves that break up the density within us and around us

There are several huge sunspots that these flares are erupting from, and the largest and most charged sunspot is number “AR3663” which has been growing in size for several days.

There are also more X class flares expected today and into tomorrow

These flares are high-powered radiation with potent ionizing (penetrating, altering) positively-charging protons soaring into Earth as they plunge through the planetary magnetosphere producing shock waves

These are the most powerful cosmic events so far this year and these events are what create the intense weather and natural disasters around the world

Light sprinkles quickly become full blown storms, tornadoes and earthquakes are very likely to occur when we receive such intense energy

These energy waves also cause people to experience shifts within their body, breaking up density within our energetic structure to be purged and released

Many people have been reporting these ascension symptoms:
🌟Extreme exhaustion
🌟Sinus issues
🌟Dizziness or feeling slightly unsteady on the feet
🌟Heart palpitations
🌟Heat surges and sweating
🌟Blurry eyes
🌟Purging from intestines
🌟Back and neck aches or soreness
🌟Lack of desire to be sociable or engage in family or community activities
🌟Lack of appetite or an increase in appetite
🌟Lack of thirst or increased thirst

As we continue to release the density within us and around us it is imperative we honor our emotions and feelings

This is our time to support this energy to come up and out so we may raise the vibration of our being and continue to ascend with love and acceptance in our hearts

Loving ourselves through all of these feelings and emotions is key to healing and releasing

Allowing the energy to be released through crying, journaling, drawing or being creative, expressing yourself through poetry or connecting with a trusted friend or loved one

Spending some time alone is also self care

Honoring where you are at and how you are feeling is key, embracing self care must be a top priority for us all

Self care may look like:
✨Eating fruit, nuts, seeds, veggies
✨Taking a spiritual bath with Celtic or pink Himalayan salt and essential oils
✨Drinking plenty of water with a pinch of pink Himalayan salt, lemon and honey
✨Stepping into nature to ground and clear our energy
✨Receive energy healing
✨Playing sound bowls
We are also being pulled by the New Moon that will occur in a few days

This awakens powerful cosmic forces that will further activate our planet

These intense energies are not only clearing our energetic structure but clearing out past traumas from our generational line and our DNA structure

This is intense work, even for those who consciously clear themselves and are working on raising their vibration

This is our time to raise our consciousness and release everything and anything that is holding us back from doing so

Being open to new concepts and ways of being to assist in the raising of your frequency is key to releasing the density within us to ascend into higher states of consciousness and awareness

We start to notice the inconsistencies around us, and we may choose to honor ourselves now as we integrate with this high frequency energy

May we heal deeply and completely

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For the majority of the world’s population, the fact that we are and have been engaged in a war for our very existence for several years still has not dawned on them because their lives have not been directly affected or negatively impacted in ways that disrupt them significantly or long-term. They can ignore all the signs.

That may soon be changing, from what we’re hearing. We may be inching closer to ending the “invisible war”.

Cellphone emergency alert will go off in Alberta today

“40 vehicles and 100 troops on exercise”  Another “training exercise”?

Military convoys to roll through St. Albert Friday


Pascal Najadi has a very interesting 10 minute visual entitled “Mayday” which reveals a great deal; including his affiliation with the US Space Force. Below the video his remark says JFK Jr. is Q, he is safe, and a good friend of Pascal.

MayDay (May 1st) 2024: The covert U.S.🇺🇸 led Global Defence War 50 USC 1550 Alliance Covert Mil. Ops. surfaced – Mass Arrests and Executions (Layer 2) – EO 13818 now in Full Force Execution Ops. Mode #WWG1WGA-JFK ‘Q’

Another example of the forced awakening in chosen locations comes to us from Lithuania.

Parts of Vilnius, Kaunas to be put under curfew for military drill – what you need to know

Heavy weather is still very much top of mind in a few US locales and the Real Raw News article gets into the possible scenarios unfolding in some of these places. The enemy creates events they plan to capitalize on, and the good guys are doing damage control and removing the offending vermin as they go.

Here’s another layer to what may be unfolding. This post came up when I did a search on Twitter/X of the Kalamazoo, Michigan tornado.


Are you feelin’ it? That sun is getting very active.


What a big news week.


So much flooding…


Juan O’Savin tells us in the discussion below with James Grundvig that one of the anticipated black swan events is well underway in its setup already. His summary at the end is excellent if you are pressed for time. America’s “near-death experience” is en route and we will all be going through it together. WWG1WGA. As an insider, Juan always provides valuable perspective in the spiritual war for our greater understanding of just what is happening behind the scenes and why, as well as interpretations of what is visible in the “news” and alt news. 55 min.

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 92 | “Black Swan Coming From Asia” with Juan O Savin

As deeper material surfaces to inform and create awareness in Humanity, it’s getting interesting again, and not just politics. Antarctica keeps coming up. The following longer piece from Ariel/Prolotario and embedded David Wilcock video excerpt might be the maiden voyage for a few new people into the spiritual truths and history behind how this tainted planet got to be the way it is currently. It’s definitely something to consider as we connect the dots.


This perspective shared by SG Anon… I hadn’t thought of it that way.


This is a rather enigmatic post from Telegram we might want to consider.






What do you make of this document signed by George Soros naming Gen. Michael Flynn as an agent acting on his behalf? This came from Derek Johnson. Is it possible there are two men named Michael Flynn? Both common names.

We have seen many doubles/clones/actors/masks so it’s challenging to say who is who, and we know that White Hats and Black Hats have infiltrated each others’ organizations and that double agents make it doubly difficult to figure things out.

Derek also posted the following on Telegram to clear up the misconceptions:

“NOBODY who’s NEVER been in the Military or Government is receiving information nor are they running any operations at this level.

Nobody who is currently in the Military or Government are incognito on social media delivering information.

Nobody at our level needs to be misleading people with words bigger than their vocabulary.

Nobody at our level need that. We have enough on our plate with Legislation.

The 60,000 undercover secret Army are still in service but they’re doing things internally that affects Military Branches and Operations.

They’re not 60,000 outside of service working for the Military.

It doesn’t work like that. I’m simply keeping my Oath as an Honorably retired Veteran because That’s what we’re supposed to do as Veterans.

Remember that.

I hope Moses didn’t have this much trouble in the wilderness. But good people are worth trying to save.

We have got to TRY to save all these people being misled.”

Of course we also know that disinformation is necessary. That was confirmed by Q.


It’s going to get really ugly out there when the masses finally get what happened over the past four years and how long Big Pharma has been trying to kill us and profit from our misery and suffering.


OBGYN Doctor Calls on Attorneys to Sue Institutions That Forced COVID Shots on Babies & Pregnant Women

Pfizer Agrees to Settle More than 10,000 Zantac Cancer Suits

The brutal treatment of those who told the truth can never be truly remedied, nor the lives lost, returned.

Dr. Charles Hoffe in Lytton, British Columbia Canada was one such hero who never backed down, even when they burned down his practice and most of his town. His story appeared in a UK media piece and we feel it’s important to remember Dr. Hoffe’s courage beyond the carnage. Link to Telegram.

“Canadian doctor, Dr Charles Hoffe was interviewed by an independent media in the UK and is being celebrated for his courageous stand during COVID. “Many others would have broken under the intense pressure, but Charles has refused to give up, and despite all odds he continues to fight for his patients and humanity. A man of great faith and a devout Christian, Charles has had very welcome support from his community and from others who share his faith and belief.” Good Samaritans like Dr Charles Hoffe are rare. We, the public, must support them as much as we can. As you watch his interview, please remember that he is still opening the door to his patients, he is still providing a vital service and his hand is always ready to hold yours, unconditionally.” As the person who set up Dr. Hoffe’s legal defence fund on Give Send Go, I can tell you that the response has been overwhelming. My inbox has been flooded with emails notifying me of donations. More than 360 donations have been received this week and over 1,100 since the fund was initiated with more than a $100,000 donated to the defence of Dr. Hoffe.”

Lytton, BC after suspicious fire they attribute to sparks from a train


Going forward, let’s try not to fall for the clickbait. We know the lies are going to be spewing like a geyser. If it’s true—then name your source.

They’re Still Messing With You By Using ‘Anonymous Sources’ To Drive Clickbait

Signing off for today, folks. Back soon. Be on the lookout for black swans in disguise.  ~ BP

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I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.

My message today will prepare everyone vibrationally for the messages in a near future.

Each channeling discloses more and more unspoken truth hidden from your civilization. It passed billions of years, and humanity never knew anything about who they are and why they are here. It’s quite a long topic to tell everything in one transmission. I am preparing you to the upcoming shocking pieces of truth. Humanity got so confused about the reality by over the experiencing of the daily ups and downs.

Basically you are in a survival mode and nothing else matters. All of that was created on purpose to distract you from the real picture around you, and what is important. Your Dark Controllers or whatever they call themselves have been busy of plotting and making up negative stories about everything like the climate, food suppliers and human’s created viruses. Anything that was ever said by the Dark Entities was always lies and deceptions.

Over the years humankind got so brainwashed to the point, that it believed everything, what it was said to them. Now, you are in a spiritual awakening and transition into higher realms to a New Earth. Nothing makes any sense anymore. The values and trust you put into your government representatives became a big joke. You find out that they don’t care about you at all. Their agendas are always to fulfill their personal greed.

Humanity is going through hard times; it doesn’t interest them at all. We, Galactic Beings, agreed on to introduce certain facts to humanity before full disclosure happens. To continue to advance spiritually you need to know the truth about your 3D Matrix not to be fooled by it anymore or continue to be trapped in it. Everything it surrounds, it’s based on a false information and assumption of the projection of duality by believing in good and evil. Evil doesn’t exist, unless we given it power and start believing, that it is real.

It’s very easy for Darkness to manipulate your reality by creating false scenarios and narratives to instigate the conflicts between nations, as a whole history was made up on misinformation and lies. If you read about the past events, most of them portray only the negative events and never positive ones. Earth’s history was written by Negative minions, who even today try to mislead everyone with untruthful facts. We recommend for your main focus to stay in high vibrations and peaceful thoughts excluding completely all of the negativity.

Your planet has always been the ground for the experimentation on human’s DNA. The goal was to create and make a human, that is AI combined with a human flesh or even transfer the human consciousness into a robot, that is not possible and not allowed. The early sign of this happening in your world is the negative company NeuraLink by Elon Musk, which implanted a chip in a human brain on January 30, 2024.

That human with a chip in his brain is not doing well, he is in a lot of pain everyday, his taking heavy painkillers just to get through the day. Neuralink and Elon Musk are hiding this information from the public, because they want to do more surgeries to put chips in more human brains. The whole point of this is to see if they can control humans with this chip. This would completely change your existence and extinct your whole civilization. It’s not going to happen. Divine and Light Beings are stepping into the process of stopping this madness.

Darkness keeps removing valuable souls from their physical vessels from the planet by thinking, that they can make their Negative agendas come to the daylight. Each message through this channel is going to continue to bring more truth about your world. The Matrix is broken, and data leakage is coming through. I am involved with all of my soul in your fight for your freedom. The biggest obstacle that you face is that you still can’t determine, what is real and what is not.

If you are interested to leave this Old Earth, then stay Still in silent daily meditations. Everything is ready for Ascension. You need to be willing to leave everything behind all of the materialistic possessions, even humans, who are not ready. It means only to follow your soul’s guidance. The mind usually creates a lot of problems in your life, because of fear, distrust and doubt. The soul represents Universal Consciousness, which is full of Supreme Love, Trust and Light.

You are in a middle of transition, you can’t see it with your naked eyes, you can only feel it through your soul. Divine has been sending powerful light frequencies to awaken everyone and make it possible for the transformation to a New 5D Earth, and to leave behind toxic vibrations of 3D. Please, be gentle to yourself and stay in peaceful thoughts by detaching yourself from the problems of a daily life.

When we arrive to 5D, we are going to help you to set up the Healing Centers to keep your new bodies well balanced and in a harmony. Better times are coming. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Only You Can Make This Happen


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The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen: The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.

The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, andEast Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world. Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region. With the two exceptions mentioned above, existing nation-states and corporations will continue business as usual.

The transition process to the new system will start with a jubilee. This will involve a one-time cancellation of all debts, public and private. It will also involve a redistribution of assets. The details will be worked out in public with feedback from the people, the private sector, governments and other interested parties.

There will also be war crimes tribunals together with a truth and reconciliation process to ensure the criminality that infested so many governments and institutions is removed root and branch.

The functional parts of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, etc. will be taken over by a newly established meritocratically staffed Future Planning Organization. Each region will have its own separate future planning systems.

The Western military-industrial complex will be given a new mission. Instead of stealing resources for oligarchs, they will be protecting earth life, including human life. This means they will be using force, if necessary, to stop things like the destruction of rainforests and overfishing. They will also hunt down and destroy transnational criminal organizations, in particular the global slave traders. They will be subject to international law and act as the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court.

The decisions mentioned above are the result of years of negotiations between representatives of the East, West, North and South.

A hundred trillion dollars’ worth of gold-backed dollars will be issued to make all these changes possible. Also, as soon as the systems are in place, more funding will be made available to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and then massively increase the amount and variety of life.

The big breakthrough that made all this possible came last week when Russia and Persia gave the US military an ultimatum:

Either abandon Israel or watch it be annihilated by nuclear warheads delivered by hypersonic missiles.

Here is what a US Space Force Commander had to say about the situation:

“Persia has more than 30 nuclear active warheads. Persia and Russia are the only nations that have hypersonic missiles with a speed over Mach 20. The Israelis and the Americans don’t have the technology to detect it, let alone intercept them. 

This advanced technology from Persia to the US military alliance scientists (under CIC Trump) will be given in exchange for peace in the region.

The US government has agreed to throw Israel under the bus in exchange for this technology.

The US government has sold out Israel, but they have to keep face to the rest of the world.

Israel will pay a heavy price once the situation is sorted out. An independent Palestinian State will be approved within the United Nations, which is going to be done sooner rather than later. It is most likely that the State of Israel will cease to exist and all of Palestine [Judea]: will be restored again. 

Israel will have to pay war damages to the Palestinian [Judean] Nation and will have to rebuild the whole Nation free for the Palestinian [Judean] people which means what is left of the Zionist Deep State will have to pay for the reconstruction.

If he does not have a fatal accident first, Netanyahu will be in the Hague to face war crimes. He will be found guilty and publicly executed.  

There are some news items to back up these assertions.

For example, CIA Director William Burns flew to Qatar to deal with “a situation that demands immediate action.”

Also, for the first time since the October 7 genocide started, the Biden administration has stopped weapons shipments to the Israeli military.

For his part, Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says international pressure on Israel to end its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has increased, meaning the rights of Judeans (Palestinians) will be upheld and that the Israeli genocide in the besieged Gaza will stop.

The International Criminal Court is also publicly preparing to file war crimes charges against the Israeli government. The ICC has also warned Israel not to threaten its staff.

Here is what a Mossad source had to say about the situation:

“The Avatar Zionist Netanyahu who is not of Hebrew descent but a Zionist Khazar, sings their favorite song …. anti-semitism. 

Netanyahu says that because he’s Jewish, the International Criminal Court (ICC) CANNOT issue an arrest warrant against him because that would be ‘Anti-Semitism.’

In making this claim, he just inadvertently suggested that every criminal in America simply convert to Judaism, and then when they carry out rapes, murders, carjackings, home invasions and child trafficking, they can simply tell the police, ‘You can’t arrest me! That would be anti-Semitic!’”

Polish intelligence agency sources confirm “sufficient evidence to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes and genocide against the Palestinians was transmitted to the ICC on a confidential basis. The USA has been forced not to intervene in what is happening.”

Another war criminal is House Speaker Mike Johnson who just condemned himself to death on charges of inciting genocide by saying “The calls for a [Gaza] ceasefire are outrageous.”

Most other US politicians are also likely to face war crimes charges related to KM controlled Israel and Ukraine.

Only7 out of 100 senators have not taken any money from AIPAC:

Tommy Tuberville- Alabama

Alex Padilla & Laphonza Butler- California

Maxie Hirono- Hawaii

Rand Paul- Kentucky

Bernie Sanders- Vermont

Cynthia Lumis- West Virginia

Amazing how the Zionists control the government. Not for much longer.

Turkey is also forcing Israel to hand over Netanyahu and his fellow Satanists by cutting off all trade. Forty Percent of Israel’s annual oil consumption is piped to the Turkish oil hub port of Ceyhan and then shipped to Israel. Oil and other shipments from the Red Sea to Israel have also been cut off by the Houthis.

The Houthis are now also going to cut Israel off from the Mediterranean. “We will target any ship heading to Israeli ports in the Mediterranean, in any area we are able to reach,” says Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree.



Israel will now have no choice but to surrender, just like the Ukraine.

The ICC will also definitely be issuing war crimes indictments against the criminal regime of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine. Polish intelligence notes they are now rounding up “mentally disabled people, alcoholics and drug addicts, schizophrenics and epileptics,” for slaughter. This won’t last long because only 15 percent of conscripts are currently fighting, the sources say.

By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes. For confirmation there is more than one Trump, look at the photo below and decide for yourself.


This is what Polish intelligence sources had to say about the actions of the real Trump:

“Around the world, special operations teams composed of elite military units and top-secret intelligence units are conducting risky raids aimed at dismantling Biden’s network of actors and clones. From hidden facilities in European warehouses to secret underground complexes in Asia, these teams storm bastions of deception and uncover the grotesque truth, one clone at a time.”

Field Marshal Douglas Macgregor is also rallying US forces against the satanic globalists. 

The 4th Psychological Operations Group is basically telling us that the world in which we live in is a digital battlefield filled with psychological warfare in every corner and every sector within society… aka The Matrix. They are now working for the white hats to take down the KM.

Also, even though KM controlled media reports Russian troops have entered an airbase in Niger occupied by US troops make it seem some sort of fight is brewing; The truth is the opposite as the video of Russian and US troops dancing there linked below shows.

The US military white hats are working with the Russians to take down the KM.

In a visible manifestation of this international take down, El Salvador’s Predident Nayib Bukele announces that he is investigating every single official in the executive branch of his government for bribery. 

A similar process will happen throughout the West as the white hat military end state capture by criminals, the head of MI6 promises.

The pharmacidical corporations are a case in point as these news items show:

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer reportedly “chose not to” inform Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies that the cancer-linked Polyomavirus Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence was in their widely distributed COVID-19 vaccine.

This corroborates the evidence Bill Gates deliberately injected tens of millions of people with cancer causing vaccines.


They have also been trying to cause heart problems:

AstraZeneca faces up to £255million compensation bill for ‘defective’ Covid vaccine after pharma titan admitted it DOES cause ultra-rare blood clot side effect.

A Pentagon medical doctor says “When this is finally exposed globally, all of the pharmaceutical CEO’s and their cohorts will be tried and executed for crimes against humanity including attempted Genocide.” 

In any case the Zionist US Corporation behind these crimes is visibly ending.

The Federal Reserve Board, owners of the US Corporation just released numbers showing they have just $51 billion in capital versus $948 billion in losses. This means the Fed is insolvent 19 times over.

They are trying to cover this up with funny money and outright fraud. For example last week they yet again used “seasonal adjustment (=fake data)” to turn a $37 billion bank deposit outflow into a $126 billion inflow.

In the hilarious clip below Jared Bernstein, the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers -the main agency advising Biden on economic policy- is forced to spout nonsense as FRB fraud is exposed.

The fraud is leading to hyper-inflation. If you add up the various subcategories in this Gallup Poll linked below you will find 81% of Americans think inflation and dropping living standards are their main worry.

In yet another sign the corporation is bankrupt, the Ludwig Institute used government data to show the real unemployment rate is 24.2% and not the 3.5% the government says.

The situation is so bad that in April, 43 percent of all small business renters in the United States were not able to pay their rent. 

The years of Fed fraud means more than 40 percent of the total population fall in the category of ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed earning above the poverty line but less than what’s needed to get by or else live in poverty.

Speaking about fraud; here you can watch the director of NASA basically admitting the lunar missions were fake when he said “we don’t know” what is on the far side of the moon.

Of course the Rockefellers are trying to keep their fraudulent corporation in business by stealing from soon to be former allies like Japan, the EU and Canada.

Japan and the EU have now revolted by refusing to pay through the nose for Rockefeller oil or buy more US debt.

Americans are still paying the price though. Canada in March posted the largest trade deficit since June 2023 following unplanned shutdowns at refineries in the US Midwest — an important destination for Canadian crude oil. This was the Rockefellers forcing Americans to buy expensive oil they control instead of cheap Canadian oil they don’t.

Of course Canada has its’ own problems under the incompetent Castrudeau. He lets in more than a million immigrants per year even though there is no housing for them. This is creating an unprecedented housing crisis. Also Canada’s low labor productivity level means it is losing to Mexico.

Canada has low productivity because Castrudeau created too many government jobs to enforce things like LGTBQ etc. ideology. It reminds of the joke: “How does a bureaucrat wink?”

“He opens one eye.”

Canadians spend 46% of their money on taxes to support this.

Castrudeau’s government is definitely going to be forced to back down from its bureaucratic push to promote anal sex etc. though as Scottlands’ example shows. Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf resigned last Monday after the Scottish public flooded law enforcement agencies with fake calls accusing various trans activists and even political leaders of various hate crimes following the enactment of his wildly unpopular “Hate Crime Act.”

Speaking about trans, look at this picture of the Macrons of France and the Scholzes of Germany at the “Sausage Fest 2024.”

Another fake leader, the rubber masked “Pope Francis” meanwhile has given explicit approval for transgender godparents and blessings of same-sex couples.

He is also hosting about a hundred transvestite prostitutes in the Vatican.

These self-appointed perverts are increasingly resorting to violence to stay in power. In the video below you can watch opposition leader Pierre Poilievre being removed from the House of Commons for calling Justin Castrudeau a wacko. He should have called him a mass murderer. Take note the Speaker of The House of Commons is Castrudeau’s secret boyfriend

Next you can watch MEP Christine Anderson expose Ursula Von der Leyden before having her microphone cut:

“We must show Von der Leyen the Red Card – now the public prosecutor’s office is investigating her for corruption… Von der Leyen negotiated a €35 billion vaccine contract with Pfizer CEO by SMS text messages.”


Watch how they cut her off while others want to hear her message.

Getting your mike cut off is lenient for these people. “The collective West, led by the United States, is practicing violence and murder of opponents as a routine political process,” says Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the Other Ukraine movement.

Here is an example. Popular actress Anne Heche was alive and tried to get out the body bag on a stretcher after her crash.  She was later pronounced dead. They killed her because she made a movie on child trafficking.

They have been doing this sort of thing all over the world.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says “The United States has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, blatantly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.”

It looks like China is making a move to stop this. The number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the US southern border is up by 7,000% since 2021, and at the current pace will be 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year.

They are part of a 20 million man army of military aged foreign men that has moved into the US since 2021. You can be sure these men are there to help take down the US Corporation.

A takedown of the UK is also underway. In just the last 20 years, the number of Christians in the country has dropped from 81% to 48%. And the number of pure Muslims increased from 3% to 18%, i.e. sixfold. Based on demographic data, it is easy to calculate that within 20 years, Muslims will overtake Christians in terms of numbers.

In Germany Christian schoolchildren are converting to Islam out of fear & desperation to fit in since migrant influx, per new survey. In several schools in large cities like Berlin or Frankfurt, Muslim children make up more than 80 per cent of the student body, due to the strong immigration in the last eight years. Now 67.8% of students believe the Koran is ‘more important’ than the laws in Germany; 45.6% think that ‘Islamic Theocracy is the best form of government’ and 35.3% said that they can understand violence against people who insult Allah or the prophet Mohammed.

Regime change is coming to the UK and Germany soon and native born Europeans will once again increase in number.

Europe as a whole is not going to be under Khazarian Mafia control much longer. Chinese President Xi Jinping is in Europe this week to confirm this. He says China is working in “close coordination and cooperation on climate response, biodiversity protection and global governance.”

“France is advancing re-industrialization based on green innovation, whereas China is accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Our two countries can deepen cooperation on innovation and jointly promote green development,” he said.

French intelligence sources for their part say Emmanuelle Macron has been replaced with an avatar who will support the plan to unite the EU with Russia as a part of the move to a polycentric world with 7 big divisions.

The Paris Olympics are scheduled to showcase this. As French journalist Thierry Meyssan reports:

In Macrons’ mind, the forthcoming Olympic Games will be an opportunity to manipulate the masses into magnifying the “United States of Europe”, so that they will be spontaneously ready for the dissolution of the EU member states…remember there will be Russian athletes, but no Russian anthem, and every time a member state wins, the European anthem will be played…the war in Ukraine is the pretext for gigantic arms transfers, so that today no member state has the means to defend itself for more than two days if attacked conventionally by a developed state [Russia]…Its supporters tell us that they want to create an entity capable of competing with the United States of America and China. [They have] laid the foundations for greater technological and industrial sovereignty (with Germany in the battery sector, then in hydrogen, electronics and healthcare),

This confirms Polish sources who say Germany is about to unleash the hydrogen genie.

Hopeful as all this sounds, the war is not over yet. The WEF Satanists just had a big meeting in Saudi Arabia to rally their forces. Notice Klaus Schwab Rothschild was not there. Oops, I forgot, he is dead

BlackRock head Larry Fink was there though and confirmed he works for a rogue AI when he said “substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.”

Fink will not be with us much longer, Mexican cartel sources promise.

We also saw climate doomsday preacher, Al Gore, speaking at the WEF saying: “[Greenhouse gases are] now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day.” We hear he has made lots of money from Algoreisms of this sort.

The KM attempt to starve us into submission is also continuing. “Four years ago, a farmer had to sell 171 tons of wheat to buy a tractor. Now he has to sell almost 500 tons. These data confirm the shocking scale of the crisis in agriculture, especially since purchase prices were lower then,” says Dr. Arkadiusz Zalewski from the Polish Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics.

One of the master minds of this, Bill Gates said at COP 28: “The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We’ll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem.”

Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, in order to assume absolute control of the global food supply, under the guise of “saving the planet “

The video below shows how they are using 3d printers to create meat made from stem cells.

The Chinese are taking it further. You have heard of fake news, well now they have fake food. This video shows they are using plastic to create all kinds of fake food that finds its’ way into the super markets.

A reaction to this is under way. In Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084 to prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida. Florida is taking action to stop the World Economic Forum’s goal of forcing the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects,

Of course in the future we are being told food will be made inside digital replicators completely eliminating the need to kill animals. Presumably traditional agriculture will also continue to supply people who want “real food.” All I can say for sure is we are definitely entering uncharted territory.

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Frequency Rising; I am Kejraj!.

Greetings to you! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The frequency of Earth continues to rise by the minute. Through the many portals activated on Earth, ancient vortexes, and especially through the lightworkers, who serve as beacons of light. The waves of life are going to transform into a storm in the Third Dimension in this year of 2024.

There are those with different agendas and major distractions who want total control of the planet. This will not occur. We ask that no matter the events taking place, you keep your focus on love. Understanding that this is the end of the matrix built to harness the energies of the collective, the end of its structures of enslavement. More powerful energies are on the way, that are to be felt even by the ones most asleep, and they too shall rise.

Your emergence into the higher timelines can be a very easy transition. However, the first step to change is being aware of the current situation, and accepting what is. Followed by letting of what has served its purpose. And what has served its purpose for the evolutionary process of mankind is everything which has led to the current version of reality.

From 12,000 years ago, to the industrial era, everything in between, and even the current digital era, all have completed and served their purpose for the Collective. Now it appears that one is collapsing(industrial), another is advancing(digital) but not for the benefit of humanity. This is because you are meant to transcend the version of reality where technology is used to further enslave the the world.

In order to rise, into a new realm, you must be willing to shift your focus, away from the old Third Dimensional systems, become open to spiritual change and evolution, and begin to feel the very essence of your being that is seeking something more expansive and in alignment with the Universal force that keeps the stars in balance.

Daily Message for 5/8/2024


You must have faith that things are being lined up. If you stop everyday for a few moments, take time to go within, and see and feel with your heart, you will see the signs without any doubt, telling you that what you have been expecting is now within reach. ~Kejraj

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| Source   Joy is working out of your being.

You have found a harmonious state and are filled with this tingling energy. You have released yourself from your fears and blockages, your energy circulates unhindered through your being, you are relaxed, light, happy and in joy.

Everyone has experienced this state from time to time, everyone knows what joy feels like and how perfect everything seems in such moments – as if time stood still. You feel how this feeling enriches you infinitely, brings you energy and makes you unbiased and free.

“Become like children!”

Through your directly expressed joy you come very close to this necessity. Your heart jumps with joy, your eyes shine, your body vibrates with the vibration of joy and your face reflects this inner glow of being.

So far there have been short moments in which you have been able to experience this feeling without restrictions and completely uninhibitedly.

Many things have prevented you from constantly being joyful, as this restrictive and often unloving reality prevented you from showing and freely expressing joy.

True joy and childlike wonder are not welcome guests everywhere. The lower energies that had the earth in its grip for a long time, the destructive vibrations and the lovelessness were the reason why joy could not establish itself sustainably and globally in people’s hearts.

You were always kept in fear and worry, in oppressively belittling emotional structures, until you believed in it, until you fell into the net of the false prophets, until you believed that the absence of light and love was “normal” – and in such In a world, joy is not a suitable expression either.

You have often noticed that your joy is not understood.

Your impartiality and honesty were viewed with suspicion and ultimately declared as “immature behavior”. You have been hurt, which has caused you to withdraw and deny yourself this essential feeling.

A loveless, fearful reality and a world dominated by low feelings cannot bear joy! Joy is a danger because joy can only come from a pure heart.

Such a heart knows no fear because it vibrates in love!

It removes the lower energies and thus helps reality change. Every change of this kind has so far been experienced as a danger – in this world of fear and anxiety.

From a personality radiant with love, an abundance of joy unconditionally and always emerges. Love, joy and peace are an energy quality that has so far been left to religions, but even there only as long as this joy is a “controlled” expression of your “functioning” personality.

An “excess” of joy has previously been dismissed as exuberance and immaturity. “BEING SERIOUS” has become the top priority, “BEING CONTROLLED” and MASTERING your emotions.

You were always taught this pattern, and once you grew out of childhood, you were constantly reminded of it. “The seriousness of life!” you were told – and gradually your joy receded and disappeared.

There, too, you were fobbed off with substitutes, manipulated and exploited. Far from your actual feeling of pure joy, the collective opinion has told you where and when you can live and show what kind of joy, but above all, for how long – just don’t dwell on the joy, because then you might like it so much that you want to express this constantly.

The perfect partner, the best job, the diamond ring, the ultimate vacation, the most beautiful apartment, the coolest car or a fat bank account – all of these and of course many more stimuli were created as socially accepted incentives to create this “substitute” for joy experience. But once you were in that feeling, you were subtly but unmistakably suggested that you should move on, to achieve new goals, to experience new “joy”. The fulfillment of your desires has been elevated to joy, not the childlike, innocent wonder, the CONNECTION with creation and the ONENESS with you, but this cheap imitation of never-ending satiety was given to you so that you remain controllable and influenceable.

Joy is a high vibrational state of being!

Joy is a high vibration feeling! A person with a constant vibration of this quality does not value the “false gods” of joy. He works from his fullness of joy and he accepts all the accompaniments of this expression of life on earth in a non-judgmental, calm and joyful manner.

Being happy about the most beautiful car has a completely different meaning for a person who lives in true joy.

Since there is no dependence on this manifestation of matter, such a consciousness leaves it indifferent, although it enjoys the beautiful things of this reality, but it does not enter into any energetic resonance or dependence. It is what it is, and such a person always experiences joy through being, through the pure, unbiased perception of the world.

Joy is a high vibrational state of being. Joy IS – completely independent of all external events. This knowledge is also known. Creatures poor in light and living in darkness have therefore devised all the substitutes for it.

If you keep people away from their essence, you have power over them!

It’s like giving a screaming child something to play with so he can finally calm down. Humanity is constantly being given new toys and activities, new importances are proclaimed and new dependencies are created.

Every trend, every fashion, every WANT TO BE IN is absolutely damaging and destroys your ability to perceive yourself. You are constantly kept in unrest. Your mind, your thoughts are always confronted with something to keep you busy so that you can’t figure it out and don’t see through this loveless game, far from joy.

But this apparent omnipotence of the destructive forces is now over – OVER – and their strength and power has finally been taken away!

The game is over!

An endless amount of spiritual energy, light and love is currently flowing into the earth. An incomprehensible number of beings from the spiritual world are exclusively concerned with bringing the energies of people and the earth back into balance. Special teams are entrusted with changing the minds of the destructive forces that are experiencing the last days of their apparent power, so that they too can find their way into the light.

Every person is important and everything is done so that everyone can make their own decisions.

The power of the rag traders is over! True joy arises from your being.

You can now experience it unhindered and show it to the world, your fellow human beings are looking forward to it and with you – your joy is also their joy. JOINING YOURSELF is immensely satisfying and spreads this original energy, this expression of love among all those human children who are still timid and shy about it.

True joy can be learned and regained!

As soon as your BEING IN JOY receives a positive response, you will regain your trust in this feeling. What was long viewed as an “immature” expression of your feelings is now a welcome enrichment for those around you.

Joy is the shadow of love and the light makes both visible – joy and love are inseparably linked.

A loving heart rejoices, and a joyful heart loves!

Joy and fullness also depend on each other – if you are in joy, you are “filled”, if you live in fullness, then you are “happy”. It is a special realization when you learn how everything is connected, how one expression of emotions determines the other.

All the positive, fulfilling, peaceful and joyful emotional manifestations have their origin in love. If you find your joy, you will automatically regain your ability to love. If you experience and live in joy, you live and experience love.

The earth is on the way to a completely new vibrational dimension. This return to the divine order is accompanied by the constant increase of light energy and the vibration of love. Therefore, now is the time for you to reclaim your basic right to be in joy.

Reclaim your beauty

This change, which brings Mother Earth back to her original beauty, also transforms you on all your levels, so that you too can experience yourself again as the person you are, so that you can understand, realize and marvel at your beauty – like a little one Child. You are unbiased and free, pure and unintentional, sudden and self-confident.

Every substitute has fallen away from you and nothing can be opposed to this new quality of life.

The world changes its face, nothing remains as it was. Properties that have long been forgotten develop their power and regain their meaning.

By redeeming your “joyless” structures, you have achieved something significant – your indispensably valuable contribution so that the earth can return to its original face.

The vibration of joy is an essential building block for the growth of this NEW WORLD. Your return to your heart brings forth joy and your joy brings about the birth of love.

The delicate shadow of your joy accompanies the radiant beauty of your love.


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| Source    Dear Ones,

Maybe you recently jumped between dimensions and frequencies or traveled to places you never before explored, or perhaps not.

You and your cohorts opened the Universal gate the past few days, allowing you to jump when or if you feel comfortable doing so.

Even though this gate has always been available because you are all Universal beings, your inner being stopped you from opening that gate while of 3D Earth because it would have been too confusing. Much like you did not read Shakespeare’s works when you were eight years old because the meaning of Shakespeare’s words would have likely been beyond your comprehension skills.

Some days, Universal Travel might seem interesting or exciting. On other days, it might be too complicated to attempt. You have freed yourself from the Earth’s boundaries of limited exploration. Now, free yourself from expectations of immediately zooming hither and yon unless it feels joyful.

Nothing disappears if you do not travel within the next few days, weeks, or years. Like earth travel, you can travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times whenever or wherever you like, but that does not mean you have to.

Many question why you might want to travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times. There is no exact answer for that, any more than you can fully explain why you do not wish to travel beyond your community while your sibling is a world traveler. Everything you decide and explore is because your inner being is drawing you to it. The result of that exploration is a more clearly defined personal path.

En masse, you decided to explore outside the 3D boundaries you adhered to for the eons you have been of Earth. That quest opened the fields that were part of your being when you were not of Earth.

You have extended your Earth knowledge into the Universal spheres.

You might be dissatisfied with your current life because it feels limiting. Or, you might decide that your current life meets your needs. There are no longer limits on who you are or are becoming. So, a friend might jump timelines and find your stay-at-home activities boring. Exactly as it should be because, unlike the cookie-cutter lives you lived when you were of 3D Earth, there are no longer any limits.

Your Universal gate of dimensions, frequencies, and time will remain open forever.

Welcome to the Universes with all the variety and excitement that phrase entails. You might need to rest before you venture out to a new experience. Or opt to explore something new as you complete your day-to-day activities. There are no longer boundaries, shoulds, gates, windows, or doors that stop you from exploring whatever you wish, whenever you want.

Perhaps you wonder when you will find the time to explore as much as you wish. Once you opened that Universal gate, you, en masse, also opened your being to a more extensive personal diversity. So, part of you might be traveling to another planet while easily maintaining your daily responsibilities.

You have allowed yourself to bifurcate while in an Earth physical form.

Previously, even those who channeled or were healers limited their scope and area. Not because they had to, but because shifting beyond that would have been too confusing in a 3D world.

Those gates and limitations have gone by the wayside now that you have transitioned beyond 3D. In truth, those gates were eliminated the minute you transitioned. But because the resources and activities available were too expansive without some preparation, you en masse decided this last piece of travel expansion needed to wait until you were more comfortable with your new inner being.

You have completed the three big stages of becoming a new you – your outer and inner worlds and now, your Universal world.

Allow yourself to explore without fear of punishment, pain, or banishment.

You are an official Universal Zoomer who can opt to travel extensively or not at all, as was true in your 3D world. The difference is your travel itinerary can now include Universal explorations instead of only the Earth. You are new, and so are your travel options. So be it. Amen.

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Natural Law; By Teri Wade.

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We live in an existence of a social engineered based culture which is steering us to an anti-human, anti-life, death culture. Until humanity has an accurate assessment of where it’s coming from we really can’t take responsibility in taking part in it. But, the ones awakening to this information you have a responsibility.

In this last cycle of the human species the crimes perpetrated against humanity is becoming more apparent every day in the higher planes and within the intergalactic communities. Those who are operating behind the scenes on Earth and think they are above Natural Law are on record.

The whole of humanity needs to understand that repeatedly violating the laws of nature has its consequences and is directly related to this anti-human death culture agenda that we are currently participating in.

Humanity needs to re-educate itself in the aspects of Natural Law, human ethics, human value etc. and we also need to re-organize the current social structure that abides by Natural Law.

The current Global society is founded on the anti-human ideology originated from the Reptilian mind… a mind of selfishness, greed and self gratification that is violating every Law of Nature.

Common sense tells us if we continue to violate the Law of Nature in this 3-D system that acts with no regards to life the only outcome will be ignorance, destruction, death and the genetic deterioration of the human species.

These global Elites are hoarding seeds, genetic material and technology in locked underground vaults at the North Pole and are sending humans to Mars to ensure the survival of the Human race. Does anybody question where all these millions of people disappear to every year?

Is it any wonder that these global Elites are resisting disclosure? Disclosure will put an end to this anti-human death culture they are so viciously protecting. We need to ask ourselves why are these global Elites funneling trillions of dollars to establish colonies of the human species on Mars (which already exists) while destroying the species here and Earth when those resources could be used here to help heal this planet.

Humanity needs to learn by past mistakes and wake up to the domination of this death culture and move forward so we don’t keep feeding it. We need to wake up and realize we have been programmed into submission thru a society of worship of an agenda made up of an off world, non- human syndicate of incredibly angry gods.

Humanity needs to be re-educated to the consequences that’s happening in the world today based upon the lack of ethics in this current destructive existence we live in.

If we cannot recognize the lack of ethics that exists we will not be able to fully dismantle it’s diseased social structure. Like I’ve said a thousand times if you don’t know who your enemy is you are powerless in destroying it. It has grown into a deadly virus to every aspect of earthly life…effectively.

We need to come to the realization of the engineering that violates every Law of Nature for the purpose of alien genetic modification, hybridization and the intended extinction of the Human race.

Natural Law…

Death Culture

In this current 3-D timeline and over the last hundred years or so the human race has been socially engineered through technical mind control using violent entertainment and predictive programming via the media promoting this Death culture.

Social engineering is a form of mind control that seeks to manipulate people away from their own right to privacy by the way they access information. They want to control what it means to be knowledgeable and self informed. So this fabricated social structure can control the human mind with misinformation to control their behaviors.

This Death culture purely promotes physical sensations, materialistic pursuits and financially rewards organizations and media who promotes the programming that feeds this Death culture.

They have programmed and promotes the human species to take no moral responsibility, accountability or ethical consideration that would directly bring us to a more peaceful existence. Instead this Death culture pushed by the main stream media promotes human suffering, pain and trauma therefore spreading the destructive lifestyles that lead to killing, disease and slavery.

If humanity doesn’t realize what this incredibly sinister agenda has done and is doing we will never heal ourselves or the planet. This is what Disclosure is all about! Disclosure and this human Awakening will rock your world and you will never be the same again but it’s necessary… It’s time!

This Death culture is an anti-life society driven by the rejection of all things Spiritual. Anti-life societies refuse to acknowledge the sentient purpose of souls. Their ultimate goal is to pull you further away from Source (God).

If humans can’t perceive sentience in all living things the human mind justifies reckless harm and killings for business, sport and personal pleasure. This anti-life society is founded upon having no value or purpose for life thus having no remorse for sentient beings.

The more emotionally traumatized, weakened and mind controlled people are the easier they are lead into committing murder and carrying out this sinister alien agenda. They have zero empathy for the human body and animals for that matter… they are disposable to them.

This Death culture is used to promote the destructive lifestyles of Archonic deception strategies in order to permanently damage the heart, soul and brain into dissociation. Again, like I’ve said many times this Reptilian Archonic agenda is trying it’s best to terraform Earth to suit it’s life style, not the human species. They could care less!

Disassociative behaviors eliminate all traces of human empathy and eliminate all accountability. This is a major reason that religion was designed promoting the agenda of worship. I’ve seen this in heavily religious people. Meaning, they leave all responsibility and accountability to an outside source. What they are not realizing is that outside source is their very own oppressor. Very Dangerous!

When people are mind controlled to believe that this is the only life there is and that there is no purpose and no higher intelligent consciousness energy that transforms in a higher plane of existence beyond death of the physical body many will remain to exist in that internal black void. It is the goal of these Satanists to purposely generate this dead end thought process in order to keep humanity in never ending consciousness slavery.

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Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

The intensification of energies in this process has already entered a new level. This will continue for the next two years or so. With shorter and shorter breaks in between energetical downloads and times for integration.

The world will tremble as mass cleansing activity increases. On a personal, as well as on a collective level, including Earth herself. Weather and earthly changes being more frequent throughout the world.

You are preparing to for the next wave of revelations to be released to humanity, just days ahead.

Focusing on raising one’s frequency is paramount at this time. This way you know the steps and vibrations to the dances of spiritual evolution, flowing and finding your balance amidst the storms.

Do not give into the fear and chaos unfolding in the outer world.

Your capacity for holding light and love continues to increase as you cleanse and release more of the old. In turn, you are able to reach and touch many more along the way. Regardless if you do not speak to people, simply crossing paths with them, at a store, park, anywhere, the light you hold touches their magnetic field, and is picked up by them. This creates ripples in their consciousness, and their heart. Creating triggers for higher awareness in them, propelling them to seek more.

You are here to rise, as you have done so in times prior. You are here to assist Earth and humanity, with all that you do, to show the way of the light.

Breathe in light, breathe out love. Forgive all, send your light and love to all. Free yourself from the burden and low frequency thoughts of anger, hate, revenge, which come from a place of fear and inner suffering. Allow those thoughts and energies to come to the surface, observe them, and see each one transforming into light.

Love and fear will not continue to coexist for much longer on Earth. The splitting of worlds is to become quite evident even for those unaware of the process of ascension. The signs are to be overwhelming.

Raise your frequency, rise with the Earth, feel the new waves of light flowing towards you, and portals opening to new realms and experiences for greater expansion.

This is it. You are ready to take flight, and hold the world on your wings. Entering the new reality of paradise, completing the mission, uplifting the galaxy and beyond into higher planes of existence. Showing the Universe, what once was thought impossible, humanity emerging from the darkest timelines, was made possible by YOU. What you have done and continue to do on Earth is sending waves of light, love, hope, and joy to Creation as a whole.

In every thought, word, and action, let love be your intention.

Daily Message for 5/6/2024


Whenever you are experiencing moments of joy, simply feeling happy within, or doing something that brings you joy, and raises your vibration, you are in alignment with your Soul Self, you are in alignment with Source. And yes, you are right then and there in your unique higher dimensional reality. Now, the more you are able to do this, remain in states of joy, led with the heart, the more you shift in consciousness, the higher you rise, activate your DNA, heal your being on every level, open portals and activating new timelines for your being. ~Kejraj

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Greetings I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I also work full-time with the Earth Council. We are very busy these days, as you can imagine. We are in the full throes of the Earth’s ascension.

We are building a whole new model of ascension for creation and you are part of that participation. Please remember this is the first time a planet will ascend with life on it. It is different and you are different too. You are ready for the switch over for the New Earth and the new Golden Age to be here.

The Golden Age and the fifth dimension are already activated and are on the planet. This is your opportunity to focus on your light so that you can individually raise your frequency and your vibration that will be transferred to others.

This is your focus now, ground crew. You don’t need to take it upon yourselves to fight every cause, or know everything you thought you needed to know about what is going on on the planet. Your job is to be the light.

This is a grand expansion of your work. It requires listening to your heart and following the guidance within. We are in the full throes of ascension. The 3-D material realm is over. It is dissolving all around you. Your soul has rejected the past and is moving rapidly higher and higher. You can feel it by the way you respond to your various experiences from the past. They are no longer.

You are beginning to feel triumphant in your new role as a being of light. You are taking off into higher dimensions. You are expanding as a beacon of light. Your healing presence is helping the multitudes. You are remembering who you are and are receiving your gifts and abilities. You are also magnetizing your galactic friends and family into your lives that are bringing you profound joy. Think about what it is like to have spiritual relationships with everyone in your life. Begin to see how your communities are growing and how happy you are becoming. Feel how much simplicity there is in your life and how much magic. Everything is becoming easier as you let go of the past.

You are a remarkable beings we have relied upon for eons and now you are coming to the homestretch. There will be no going back only moving forward.

All of life including the plants, the animals, the minerals, the waters, are awakening and have a lot to say if you will listen. When you listen your Joy will be unsurpassed. This Joy elevates you and reminds you that you are in the fifth dimension. You are living in higher consciousness with higher frequencies and higher purpose.

We are here to remind you that we are with you every step of the way. You may be seeing us out of the corner of your eyes, or in the background. Keep your eyes open and your ears clear so that you can listen to what is going on. It is astounding.

We relish every moment of being with you and participating in this ascension process. We are also ascending along with the rest of creation. In due time we are coming to a reunion of the Light and we will be celebrating in the most fantastic ways. You will recognize us when we see each other and we will be united forever.

I am Mira sending you love from your galactic friends and family.

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The change has arrived. If you read this message, you are shifting timelines to a higher vibrational one. We won’t diminish the magic of this moment by detailing everything happening now, but it is very useful to support the change through your intentions. This message is primarily for those known as the Prime Creators. Your intentions are extremely valuable.

Extraterrestrial beings have been on Earth for quite some time and will soon make themselves known. You will soon discover that some of these beings are actually “you” from the future. Some of you will start experiencing the Mandela effect more frequently, noticing the different timelines. However, for quite a while, you may not know how to consciously shift from one reality to another.

There is so much happening behind the curtains, and many of you have started to feel it. In just a few weeks, the overall perception of most of you will change completely. You are literally jumping timelines. For those of you who wish to leap further, support the change through a light and healthy diet and plenty of meditation—do not get pulled into action. Now you are meant to tune in, to feel, not to act. Now is the time to stop and just be. Embrace the change because it is meant to carry you far away.

It is happening, and as you read this, you are part of it.

If you recognize yourself as one of the Prime Creators, please contribute to the shift by affirming, “I shift now to the highest possible timeline”—take a moment and feel this. It is significant.

There are no beliefs to take with you—because belief is a program, and you shall be free of it. You do not need to believe but to know. You do not need to believe but to intend—because this is how you create. There is nothing to believe in because you are discovering that the entire 3D perception was all an illusion. In the 5D reality, you understand that it is all a game, therefore you will not act out of your belief system but because you know how and what to create. You will be discovering the power of your thoughts—therefore, you will also learn to pay deep attention to them. Control your mind, and you control everything.

We thank you for being here at this time, and we thank you for being as you are—your intentions are most valuable now, please use them wisely.

We are the Blue Avians, and we loved to connect with you.

Daily Message for 5/4/2024

Continue going within and doing the necessary work. That is priority. You are not only working on your own energetical imbalances, you are also clearing and transmuting the deep programming, belief systems, and the universal traumatic energies of this local Universe. ~Kejraj

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So much is changing through the world and inconvenience for the people involved is unavoidable. However, we must confirm that all souls involved were told of what to expect before they incarnated. They would have known their life plan and in general terms what else to expect so that events taking place would not be totally unexpected.

The situation you find yourselves in is unavoidable, as everything must be dealt with according to changes that will be made in preparation for Ascension. Most of you will be ready when that occasion arises.

The problems that you will face are the result of changes that are necessary to bring you in line with what is expected of you, and for you. It is a matter of receiving what is due to you according to how well you have progressed.

If you have gradually increased your vibrations you will most certainly achieved a level that will ensure you ascend to leave the old ways behind, and enjoy the comparative freedom of choice. You will find that life is totally different to what you have been used to, and the main feature is that you will have the powers to bring into being whatever you need by your power of thought.

At present you await developments that will create the path for your progress in preparation for your future. Even now your thoughts have some power that attracts situations to you, and that is why you have to be careful what you wish for. Can you see now why having reached a certain level of consciousness you have the power of thought to manifest whatever you desire.

So you immediately become a free person that can travel wherever your thoughts take you. Consequently friends and family are only a thought away from you as is anything you require, so you become a very independent soul.

With the powers and freedom you will have it is clearly a great responsibility and why you must first have reached a level that is compatible with it. Indeed, it would be impossible to enter the higher levels unless you were prepared for such a life.

How wonderful to know that life is possible without the negative forces being present. However if you had reason to visit such levels of lower vibrations you would simply lower your level through your power of thought. Some souls do so and provide a service to those who desire to lift themselves up and need help to do so. They find that such low levels are in darkness due to the absence of Light. Much of what is passed on to you is already known often through direct experience of the lower regions. (1)

There is a natural urge by those of a higher vibration to help uplift other souls who have become trapped in the lower ones and lack the knowledge of how to get out of their predicament. As soon as a cry for help is received be assured that it is responded to immediately with a rescue mission.

The approach to those souls is that everyone is worth saving as it is rare that one refuses all help. We find that there is a point where eventually the most obstinate of souls begin to believe that there must be much more to life than it first appears. As soon as that point is reached you may be assured that every help is given to enable them to grow in conscious awareness.

You are assured that no soul is left without help once they start to awaken to the greater truth. You are all on the path to the greater Light that ultimately leads you back to the Godhead from whence you came. (2) At each stage of evolution you are helped to evolve even further so you are never alone at any stage in your progress.

On Earth you are left very much to your own ideas of how to live in the lower dimensions, but eventually you feel the urge to seek your origin and the meaning of your life. As soon as you are able to comprehend what it is all about, we will open your mind to the truth step by step at a pace that suits you. Our methods and approach to enlightening you are well tried and tested and we will keep you on the right path to make the best use of your time.

There is so much information that we can give you that will help your grasp and understanding of the truth. However all in good time with the onus on enlarging your ability to take on new ideas that will enhance your ideas of what the future holds for you.

Unfortunately due to the actions of the dark Ones who held back the truth of your real being. in general you only have an unrealistic understanding of the true history and purpose of mankind. As we have often intimated, you are in truth great Beings acting out roles given you to enable some headway to be made in an unrealistic existence.

How confusing it must all seem but be assured very soon the truth shall be made known to you all. In some ways the battles you have had to learn more of the truth have made you much stronger and resolute to find it.

In this respect we have tried to open your eyes to what has been going on and how you will find the future that will be much to your liking. Physical life is very much an illusion compared to the existence you will shortly be experiencing, when the vibrations will have increased sufficiently for it to manifest.

We mention much of coming events to prepare you for major changes that are coming in the near future. It may be hard to see the light amongst the dark shadows almost engulfing the planet but it is there and growing, so much so that more souls are becoming enlightened.

Believe us when we say that the worst of your troubles are nearly over, but a note of precaution because the future is also affected by those who presently rule you. They have always operated in the open yet their intentions have not always been understood or realised as negative.

Have faith in us and do not be swayed by outside events but keep your faith in those who oversee your future, and know that it is in good hands. We remind you that you are safe and not to be goaded into thinking that matters are getting worse. The potential for it getting worse exists, but never forget that we are by your sides and where possible keeping you out of harm’s way.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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| Source  It is the One.   Thank you.

These times are unlike any other. They are being directed by a single desire – Enlightenment. Awake or not, there is an inner drive to improve life as it is conducted right now, on earth. There is an inner knowing that current monopolies and divisions only serve the few, not the many. There is an awareness.

Judge not your brother or sister for disagreeing or opposing you. They walk a different path and come to different conclusions.

Agreement does not mean love. Agreement cannot signify intensity of feeling. It instead signifies a “like mind”. That said, it tells you that disagreements need not be taken personally. They say nothing about personality or connection. They indicate state of mind and often interlace with opinions.

These times now are for introspection and advancement. It is an easy thing to get side-tracked focusing on disagreements and the ideas of others. Unless you have something deeply invested in the topic, like a relationship, this time now is best spent focusing inwards.

You have a chance to conduct a sort of “life review” while living this physical life as still being played out and looked at. Many of you have been experiencing this for some time now. It will come to you in dreams or waking recollections.

You may not remember all the details yet you will remember some of them. These indicate that you are in the process of contemplating this incarnation, as your purpose included a “spiritual awakening”.

There is a component of you that remembers and is helping to guarantee that you succeed.

As you witness the actions of every other, realize that they present themselves as reflections. They are mirroring back something you struggle with yourself, or else agreed to deal with. Especially intense emotional responses are highly charged topics that you are here to work out.

There are never right or wrong responses. Yet in these specific times, it will assist you to be generous with forgiveness, acceptance, allowances and love. These, if authentically arrived at and demonstrated, will benefit your goal; your goal of enlightenment.

You asked to participate now due to the increased potential for experience and thrill and growth. All of these would not be possible without challenge. It is the latter that makes the former so very sweet. It is everyone’s desired outcome – success. You will not fail, you cannot; not ultimately.

Realize that each of you are at different aspects and degrees of both experience and awareness. Ultimately, you desire the same things. Those things are authenticity and love.

Once love is self-realized, less time will be spent seeking it from others. Instead, the majority of your time will be spent giving it. For the saying is true – “You cannot give from an empty cup.”

The secret to keeping it full is an inner acceptance and love of self. This is not arrogant. This is Agape. For you are One with all of creation, and creators yourselves. Your core Truth is Love. Your very essence is Pure Agape.

Enlightenment is a realization of that Truth. It is the wish of every incarnated soul, and the guaranteed ending as well.

When you accept that there is no such thing as linear time, you’ll also see that you are already there. This life is a journey you orchestrated yourself to experience every nuance of the trip. You can spend “time” along the way for just as long or short as you desire. Free will is a constant.

(There was a pause.)

Is there anything else? It’s not feeling complete.

This is your journey to enlightenment and it will be just as you intend it to be and expect. Clarity and belief tell you everything you need to know.

It will be worth every step taken.

That is all.

Thank you.

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| Source

When we think of Earth, we may see a beautiful blue planet floating through space: a sphere of matter orbiting the star we call the sun. A beautiful image, but also a view of the Earth from a materialistic point of view.

In reality, the Earth is much more complex than that. It is a multidimensional system that allows for its inhabitants a wide range of experiences: parallel realities exist in this system, dynamic interactions between past, present and future. And, above all, we can discover ourselves, our inner infinity.

We as humans do not have just one past, one timeline to which we are bound. It is better to compare us to a tree that has many roots: in the present, where we are , many timelines converge. The multidimensional system that is the Earth makes this wealth of diversity possible.

Here we can experience unity, peace, beauty and love. Also hate, violence, anger and ugliness. The Earth system gives room to experience duality to the fullest; and yet we are constantly reminded of the oneness that unites us all. After a dark night full of fear, we can still enjoy a beautiful sunrise. Every flower here reminds us of the higher realities.

People here are able to create beautiful music, but also to start pointless wars. The special energy of the Earth gives us the space to realize both possibilities. It is this special property of the Earth that makes the experience of being human fully possible.

That Earth is now beginning a new cycle makes us ask: “What does this mean for us, its residents?”

A new cycle: a higher energy

When a human or other being starts a new cycle – and therefore has completed an old cycle – a higher vibration arises. A higher vibration means that consciousness is approaching the source, and has a stronger experience of beauty, truth and the unity of life.

The Earth is in such a new cycle. This shifts the experiential space that the Earth offers humanity upwards. At the top, cosmic unity experiences, and connecting to higher realms, become more possible than ever before. At the bottom, extreme dualistic experiences are becoming less and less possible. Events such as starting a cruel and pointless war are then no longer possible.

For the average person’s experience, this means that we are reaching a turning point.

At the moment in this world, we usually experience division. It is only when we meditate or are in nature that we experience a sense of unity. The experience of division is primary, the experience of unity secondary. This is going to turn around: the consciousness of oneness will become primary.

This has a number of consequences, of which I would like to mention a few.


Today’s science thinks from the paradigm of division. Everything consists of particles that consist of even smaller particles. The search for even smaller particles seems endless. Viewed in this way, a human being is a collection of particles; if those particles fall apart, then a person no longer exists. According to science, death reigns: after all, everything eventually falls apart.

In the future, it will not be the parts, but the unit that will be the self-evident basis. The mechanical view of the universe and man then makes way for a holistic one; the idea of unity then becomes the new paradigm. From this idea of unity, science will start to accept that there is consciousness behind everything: the concepts of consciousness and unity will then coincide. And eternal death gives way to eternal life.


The idea of unity will lead in psychology to recognition of the existence of the soul. This will be seen as a source of healing and truth. Healing of psychological problems will then coincide with awareness of the soul.


Because the unity of everything is taken for granted, this also has consequences for the political system. Countries and borders will gradually disappear, and with them wars. Eventually there will be a world [ spiritual ]  government.


The sense of division that pervades human thinking has created an economy based on competition and exploitation of fellow humans and of the Earth herself. If we look at the current economic system from a distance, and see it as part of the Earth’s ecosystem, we see that it behaves like a cancerous tumor towards that ecosystem. It is aimed at unreasonable growth and consumption of all available resources: taking without giving anything in return.

This economic system will no longer be able to exist in the future; the higher vibration of the new Earth offers no more possibilities for this.

The economy of the future is a harmonious interaction between humans and Earth. Man receives from the Earth and gives to the Earth. There is mutual respect and cooperation.

This economy is based on gratitude and connectedness. Man is grateful to the Earth that he can stay here and experience wonderful things, and the Earth is grateful to man, because the uniqueness of man enriches it.

Man not only understands, but also experiences that the Earth is a conscious living being. This gives a sense of connection that will eventually develop into a deep bond of love. And in the still distant future, humanity will eventually leave Earth deeply grateful.


Our current society is essentially still a hierarchically organized machine. Upbringing, education, essentially still means that people are being primed to become a cog in that machine. The more important that cog is, the more successful that person is thought to be in our society. This is of course going to change. The society of the future is not hierarchically ordered, but aimed at the blossoming of the human soul here on Earth. The result is happiness. Happiness for man himself, who can let the light of his soul shine, and happiness for his fellow man, who can enjoy the beautiful unique radiance of an incarnate angel; and at the same time happiness for the Earth herself, who sees a person – and humanity – blossom like a beautiful heavenly flower.

The Cosmos

The belief in division and duality not only results in the loneliness of modern man, but also causes humanity as a whole to be isolated in the cosmos. This is going to change. We are on the threshold of a new and incredibly rich era. An era in which we will come into contact with many other civilizations in the cosmos. The increase in the vibration of the Earth means that at the top of the experiential space, all kinds of doors will open to other worlds: experiential spaces of other inhabitants of this cosmos. This will make us deeply realize how infinitely rich and vast the universe is. It is not only infinite in size, but also in richness, variety and beauty.

The above issues are of course global developments. What do they mean for the individual person?

Psychological consequences for the individual person

It is of course nice that, as a person, you grow along with the changes that the Earth is going through. But that is not a certainty. For people who are stuck in duality, that is even impossible because they are unable to let go of the belief in duality. If they can no longer experience that duality on Earth, they will seek out other realms of experience in the universe where they can, and leave Earth.

Of course there are also people who will effortlessly go along with the growth process of the Earth. These are people who have completed their personal cycle and are ready to embrace the unity consciousness. They are now engaged in lovingly integrating all their past lives, and understand that perpetrator lives are also part of that. That is why they say ‘yes’ to their own shadow and no longer project it onto others. This is how the duality ends for them: there are no more enemies, no conspiracies. From this awareness arises a deep sense of connection with everyone.

Many people are in between the two groups. What will they now experience from the change of the Earth? I am not referring to concrete events, but to the psychological process that will take place.

Duality arises when we think from fear. Often that is fear of our fellow man. For example, we are afraid that others, perhaps people who look different or speak a different language, will want to dominate us. To prevent that, we need an army. And when we have an army, those others we fear must have one, too. Preferably an even bigger army: the start of an arms race. Sooner or later a war will start, often ‘preventive’: after all, it is better that we strike first before someone else does, because they cannot be trusted.

As long as we don’t face our own fears, our own shadow, nothing will change; then we are stuck in this duality consciousness. Fear always divides the world in two: us versus them, or what we fear. Love transcends this and makes everything one again: connects with the other and connects with reality.

Right now, as the Earth is in a shift, it has consequences for people who are still very much in duality. The space to experience duality is diminishing and will eventually disappear. As this space is now shrinking, people who strongly believe in duality are increasingly trapped in a bubble. Before, their imagined enemies were far away and often somewhat abstract, now they are coming closer. Now they are family members, friends and neighbors: they are seen as misled and are therefore no longer to be trusted.

Of course, support is then sought from like-minded people. However, they don’t find love and friendship with them, just more duality, which only amplifies the fear and paranoia. The bubble becomes even more detached from the light.

It is important for outsiders to realize that someone living in such a bubble, however impossible and hostile he or she may behave, is essentially suffering and unhappy.

The essence of bubble psychology is this: as the bubble shrinks, duality thinking increases and becomes downright paranoid. Suffering also increases. People who live in such a bubble make that bubble very big and important, because the smaller that bubble looks, the more important they see themselves.

This suffering eventually becomes so great that the bubble is abandoned. This can happen when people inside the bubble experience that people outside the bubble no longer appear to be bad or wrong. Humanity, love, then wins over paranoia. Another possibility: life is somehow abandoned. In either case, the bubble disappears from the Earth system, never to return.

The Earth is thus reducing the areas of experience in which duality can be experienced at this time. They become, more and more, small dark bubbles that finally burst like soap bubbles. The consciousness in the bubble then chooses love, or it leaves the Earth system.

Ultimately, when all those bubbles are gone and humanity as a whole embraces the unity consciousness, the new Earth has become a reality.

And what about evil?

The basis of the belief in duality is the existence of evil. That is what duality in the end is: good versus evil.

When you say that all is one, you are apt to deny the existence of evil. After all, one is good. And the fact that there is evil is, of course, hard to digest.

However, if all is one, this does not mean a negation of evil, but a denial of evil outside of us. Everything is one actually means: everything is in us.

When everything is one, everything is in me, and therefore evil is also in me. To say that all is one is therefore not a denial of evil, but an invitation to face the evil within ourselves – our shadow – and to take responsibility for it: to no longer place it outside of ourselves.

Look at the culprit in you and love him. We find inner peace by letting the perpetrators and victims in ourselves meet each other in the loving space that we are.

And this is the space that the new Earth is offering us.

This is the difference between a human and an angel. The man of the new Earth is an angel who has experienced and been evil. He therefore has a deep understanding and a deep love for all who are still struggling and suffering in duality.

Do not be afraid to become that Angel incarnate: look at your shadow and say ‘yes’ to it.

The new Earth awaits.

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Doris Lee (1905-1983) — Schoolyard Maypole Dance, 1946

We are closing out the month of April with more of the same exciting and revealing news that has been the hallmark of 2024 so far and global warming seems to be triggering half the world to go insane.

A traditional April 30th send-off and revelry might look like this; a “rites of spring” sort of celebration.

Walpurgis Night: the pagan festival of bonfires, witches and Celtic folk music


I wouldn’t miss being one of “the awakened” for anything at this point. It can be frustrating, but when we pick and choose our focus, we can filter out the nonsense and benefit by the smaller amounts of confirmed intelligence, in-our-face developments, and obvious trajectories of the narratives. The fun little twists in the plot keep it interesting, in case we thought we knew it all and what to expect.


A blizzard and power outages in Calgary on April 30? Never saw that coming—but we never know what global warming will do.


It seems obvious from the way the script is going that the White Hats have had all the data they need on the dark ones for a very long time. They chose to systematically feed it out in a measured way so the masses could digest it, bite by bite, morsel by morsel. The entire show now is an education process for the masses who weren’t paying attention.


We want to be sure no one missed this next one. The Gateway Pundit story is below.


BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

The badder and sadder news about what the bioweapons are doing to Human bodies after years of festering in tissues and organs is gushing out daily now. The real news is literally hemorrhaging frightening truths that will be sure to make the masses incensed when it sinks in.


Here’s another zinger. The whole thing was so contrived it couldn’t have been anything else.

CONFIRMED – IT WAS ALL A SETUP: New Evidence Affirms Previous TGP Reporting that Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump

SG Anon posted a discussion which Canucks may find incriminating as far as the reputation of the–dare we say, “despised”—and tyrannical Chrystia Freeland, as well as many other pertinent topics. Always a good podcast. 1 hr.

(4/25/24) | SG Sits Down w/ James Grundvig @ the “Unrestricted Warfare” Show

SG Anon also uploaded his long-anticipated File 74, which needs no preamble other than to say he brings a great deal of valuable perspective and insights in the global war to take down the dark cabal, but he did add the note below.

(Note: I was briefly distracted and made a math goof around 29:00 into the File, where I said 91M+18M = 100M. That is wrong. It is 109M. Whoops).

Toward the end of the presentation SG takes us down a road typically less travelled and while many may be skeptical of the available historical information on the non-Human element of the war, when it comes from one of our best and most respected researchers, perhaps it will take on the nuance of fact rather than fiction, particularly when images are included. 55 min.

Trump Jail Attempt Coming | US Mil_Ops Document Dump | USAR Subterranean War: The Vril


We don’t call ourselves “the big picture” for nothing, but sometimes wonder just how BIG people are thinking. Q told us this war is a spiritual one, even more so than a physical one, and that it is on a scale far beyond the parameters of what we first thought. That is because it presents as a battle on the political front, first and foremost.

I said long ago that I don’t believe for a minute that Donald J. Trump is “just a guy” the military picked as the face man to lead the people out of slavery and give them their power back. I believed he was far bigger, more important, more historic, and more powerful than that on interdimensional levels. I believe he “trained” for this all his life. He DID say in his campaign speech before he was elected that he knew this day was coming; it was only a matter of when.

Since Trump put out the “capitulation” video [watch the 5 min. if you have not], everyone can see that the entire planet willingly and enthusiastically deferred to him. Was it because he was the President of the United States? I doubt that. It must be far more, is my feeling. Something much bigger is unfolding on our planet.

SG Anon does allude to this ancient war going back far beyond what most of us are aware exists in our history.

The Real Dark Judge/Royal Mr. Bad News posted the following. To whom do you think he is referring? I was thinking Trump, but there is also reference on his feed to Nigerian royal lineage. The comments for this X post are interesting and some mentioned Prolotario on Twitter/X as the possible royalty referenced.


Some of us are resisting the “royal” stuff as we don’t worship anyone; believing we are all equal. The fake “royals” definitely have to go, but it remains to be seen just who is who in the zoo when we go waaaaaaay back, don’t you think?


The Making of a King

If you recall this video showing extreme, coordinated NEXRAD activity mid-April, we have additional information from Dutchsinse which has since been deleted. Some of you may wish to dig into this for the full implications.

The qualifying post along with that one on Tironianae’s Telegram reads, and has a graphic…

There are 3 major components of the NEXRAD radar:

The Radar Data Acquisition [RDA]

The Radar Products Generator [RPG]

and the Principal User Processor [PUP].

Clearly the technology available to the military industrial complex goes beyond what most of us know, and it can be used for good or ill; beneficial or weaponized.

Speaking of technology, what kind of cell phone are you packing? I’m a little happier with my open carry Droid, now. They were marketing it as “the Freedom Phone” when I got it but I didn’t know whether that carried any weight. I refused to pay the greedy Apple prices but perhaps there was more behind that initiative than we thought. What does the military know that we don’t?

iPhone isn’t secureable enough for the South Korea military – but Android is

The domestic terrorism/mercenary protests at the colleges and universities are evolving as expected, and it’s getting really ugly, folks. If you’re online, you’ve seen the footage and non-stop updates. You’ve probably also noted that they have spiffy matching tents, and their signage is all the same and mass-produced. Dead giveaway.


We have seen the limited “shelter in place” mandates already on campus in Virginia. Now, in California, a shutdown.

BREAKING! “Due to the distress caused by the violence that took place on Royce Quad late last night and early this morning, all classes are cancelled today,” UCLA says.

UCLA protesters clash for more than 2 hours before law enforcement intervenes; classes canceled

There is no question these “protests” aren’t what they would like the public to believe. Like everything else, they were planned, well-funded, scripted, and the Human/non-Human? resources secured well in advance—but that doesn’t mean the Alliance can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat and bring benefit to the whole mess in the end. Tear ’em down, and build a better wheel.


Nothing is ever what it seems and the world is going to learn that nothing “just happens” on this planet. It’s 99% orchestrated and manipulated to further the agenda of the satanic control freaks.

What is the Plan as conceptualized by the Earth Alliance to counter the psychopaths’ extermination agenda?  Below is one translation. Link to Telegram.

“THE EVENT: Biblical Revelation Unfolds

A staged scenario resembling WW3 is actually a strategic activation of global militaries to dismantle Satanic and Luciferian landmarks such as the Vatican and White House, under the guise of GESARA enactment. This plan includes worldwide blackouts to transition to Tesla energy, the downfall of 34 major buildings, and a shift from traditional financial systems to precious metal-backed currencies. Covert operations like Project Odin will disrupt Mossad-controlled media networks, paving the way for Quantum systems. This global military operation, the largest in history, masquerades as WW3 to initiate a series of profound changes across political, economic, and energy sectors worldwide.”

As we know, it is only from the precipice that Humanity will find the will to change. That’s profound Q wisdom we cannot argue with. It’s Human nature.

A trait shared by many of us who were early to awaken is that we are not afraid to be wrong about a lot of things. The truth matters more than our ego. When new information presents we can reassess and revise our opinions and therefore, our beliefs. We have had the luxury of years to navigate this process, whereas the majority of those just waking up now are having a lot of [distressing] information thrown at them in a relatively short time. It has to be difficult.

Unfortunately, it is the religious aspect of what will be revealed that will be most challenging to assimilate. Some refuse to believe the Bible was changed countless times over the years. The scriptures were used to manipulate people; to control them; to keep them in fear and easily managed. Many will not be able to accept that the church and their men of the cloth are satanic cannibals who torture Humans—particularly children. Sacrificing Humans to their deities is an ancient practice that has not ended.


New Orleans archdiocese is target of child sex-trafficking inquiry, officials say

What’s the deal with Twitter/X? This doesn’t sound good.


This, however, does sound good. Hold onto your Zims, he says.


So close off, Kerry K brings us the May Energy Update, with 17K views at the time I picked it up. What a Qincidence. 24 min.

Signing off for today, folks. The crescendo of news, energies, events, truths, emotions, and weather and earth events including tornadoes and earthquakes continue to escalate and we don’t know where or when it will end. The precipice is coming; we know that.

May Day isn’t about fear; it is about situational awareness, however, and protecting you and yours in The Storm. See you next time.  ~ BP


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| Source,    Hello Beautiful Soul!

After strengthening our spiritual connection and being illuminated by cosmic coding in April, we now have the opportunity to “Be the Light” in May through spiritual awakening.

This requires us to move beyond the physical body and into the Higher Mind of the 8th chakra, to finish transmuting the shadow integration that took place last month so that we can free ourselves of looping in trauma and old pain stories.

Without being connected to the 8th chakra and beyond to the higher 9-12 chakras, we stay earth bound and in a limited paradigm of reality, and continue to loop around in personal patterns. When one is not connected to the 8th chakra and beyond, personal growth is stunted, and soul expansion and spiritual ascension are not possible.

The 8th (or Rainbow Star) chakra is located just above the head. It interacts and bridges with the Thymus in the body to support spiritual transcendence, and is the gateway to universal consciousness. It supports the integration of the lower realms and chakras with the higher vibrating chakras and dimensions.

With the 8th chakra, we enter realms transcending the human concept of space and time. This energy centre is said to open access to parallel universes and lives; it gives access to the realm of All That Is and the sphere of potentialities in the making.

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Our 8th chakra has a collective Ascension archetype and that is the Enchanter/Enchantress. Its shadow or negative archetype is the Tempter/Temptress.

The Enchanter/Enchantress’ learning is about engaging with Universal Consciousness so that we can “Be the Light”. The Enchantress/Enchanter Archetype allows full and complete alignment with our Highest Truth. It allows us to live in our Higher Heart (which is located in the Thymus) and embody Light and love unconditionally.

It provides the portal to the 5th, or multi-dimensional energies, so that we can interpret divine guidance by assisting us to be fully feeling and integrate multi-dimensional consciousness with grace and surrender. This consciousness, guidance, and shadow healing can come in the form of dreams, channelling, mystical experiences, heightened alter states, meditation and shamanic journeying, and allows us to break cycles of trauma, conditioning and emotional repression.

Unresolved trauma, conditioning and emotional stunting suppress the subconscious, affecting the function of the Thymus. This therefore impacts connection to our 8th chakra, impeding us from aligning with a greater sense of who we are and why we are here.

Embodying this archetype aids us in attuning to the higher messages about the changes we need to make in our lives via spiritual wisdom. It also supports us to strengthen our contact/connection/attunement with the collective consciousness of humanity, the planet and the universe.  The Enchanter/Enchantress also allows for reclamation of our power, courage and responsibility in service to the higher good.

For more about how you will experience spiritual awakening this month and to support yourself watch my video below!

Learn more about the collective Ascension archetypes of the Enchanter/Enchantress and Tempter/Temptress in my Oracle card deck.  Explore these two archetypes and their 8th chakra influence on you in my in depth course: Navigating Spiritual Embodiment   

In service and divine liberation,


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We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

It is a wonderful time there on Earth to be seeking out your own sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, and that is because you have never had more access than you do right now to so much energy. You have never experienced your creative potential as welling up inside of you, like you do now. You are amidst wonderful energies of change, and these energies are meant to stimulate the new, to bring about that which is different. You all know that you like what is different, and you know how capable you are of bringing to fruition something that you would like to experience that goes beyond that which is traditional.

The religions of Earth are very traditional. They are steeped in traditions, rituals, and practices that are quite out-dated, and you are bringing into your awareness now that which is new and different. And in so doing, you get to create the different world, the new world that you want to experience. You are doing it. You have already done it to some extent because here you are, receiving this transmission, and these transmissions are not the norm. This is a different experience for so many, and many are not ready for this type of communication, but you are.

And so, as you embark upon the rest of your time there in the fourth dimension, begin to consider what it is that you would like to see in your experience that is different from what you have been experiencing, and then ask yourself the question, ‘Do I believe it is possible?’ If you don’t believe that something is possible, then focus on something that you do believe is possible, so that you can demonstrate to yourself that you are in fact a conscious and deliberate creator of your reality. You can bring about the different experiences in your lives and in the world, but you need to believe that it is possible to do so.

Now, one of the ways you can help yourselves in this regard is to acknowledge that you don’t have to do it all yourself. You have helpers that are unique to you as individuals, and you have helpers like us, and we are looking out for all of humankind, as are many groups here in the higher realms. Now, you also have the ability to change everything by changing a single thought, and when you demonstrate to yourselves that you can do this, you will then feel more in alignment with that new world that you want to see and experience in your reality.

Don’t wait for ships to land or governments to crumble. Don’t wait for a financial collapse or a solar flash, or anything else that you’ve been hearing about now for quite some time. Let the change begin with you and the very easy way that exists for you to see something differently, to change your thought about something, someone, or some group, that will help you move past the old ways and move into the new world that you and others like you have been co-creating.

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.

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The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.

We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list.

Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6.

In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while leaving Ramala.

Next Israeli Minister Haim Biton’s father was seriously injured in a Jerusalem car crash.

Now the International Criminal Court is issuing arrest warrants for Benyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

We also know the surviving members of the Rothschild family have agreed to work with the alliance. This means one last big battle against the Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline should end this war and liberate humanity.

The surviving Rockefellers under David Rockefeller Jr. are definitely desperate and dangerous cornered beasts now.

This is especially true now that Rockefeller Secretary of State Anthony Blinken returned home empty handed from his beg/threaten mission to China last week. Take a look at his expression as he poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping and you can see he is deeply disappointed and scared.

Blinken started the meeting by sucking up to China saying: “The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to suppress China’s development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China.”

Xi responded by saying “Honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another…Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship,” Xi said.

Behind the scenes, Blinken asked for trillions of dollars of loans in exchange for promises to fight “climate change,” while simultaneously threatening to attack China with weather warfare weapons, Asian secret society sources say.

The Chinese told him to buzz off and the meeting was cut short as this video shows:

Xi Jinping: When will he [Blinken] leave?

Assistant: He’s leaving this evening.

That is why Blinken outright threatened Beijing over what Washington describes as China’s support for the Russian army in a press conference after the talks.

Since he left empty-handed, the Rockefeller faction is definitely running out of money fast. As a reminder in 2007, just before the US went bankrupt during the “Lehman shock” and was bailed out by China, the U.S. national debt was below $10 trillion, the budget deficit was about $160 billion and interest payments were approximately $400 billion. Now the debt has surpassed 34 trillion, is growing by $1 trillion every hundred days and debt servicing costs have topped $1 trillion.

They are definitely going to try to steal your money to keep in business. The IRS has been using AI to access bank accounts of American Citizens without any kind of a search warrant…they have access to every single persons bank account. This is a blatant violation of the fourth amendment; This administration is LAWLESS!”

They have already stolen so much from the people that 17 million US households are suffering from a lack of food.—reports-1118077054.html

The result is a collapse of the social order in the US. The amount of people reporting they have been the victim of a crime has risen by 42.4% between 2021 and 2022. The fake Biden administration is trying to say crime is down 2% because people have given up calling the police who are unable to respond.

Former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan once said : “The U.S. can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. There is zero probability of default”

Did you get that? It begs the question… why do we pay taxes if they can just print money? The fact is the rest of the world has stopped accepting their funny money and so they cannot print their way out of this.

The Rockefellers bought time with cryptocurrency fraud and by stealing Russian assets. They may have also extorted money from the United Arab Emirates. It was pummeled with roughly a year’s worth of rain in less than a day on April 16th and French intelligence sources say the UAE now seems to have run out of money.

Regardless, this is unlikely to keep the Rockefellers in business past June. That means we can expect them to stage some major events to try to cover for their bankruptcy and systems collapse.

This may be why AirBnB is expecting large-scale government actions and lockdowns to begin on June 6, 2024, according to a newly obtained email.


Their email shows they expect the following in June:

Declared public health emergencies and epidemics.

Government travel restrictions

Military actions and other hostilities

Large-scale outages of essential utilities

Natural Disasters

The video below shows 25 ways the US is being destroyed by these people.

We will look more into this below but first, we want to talk about a massive secret battle raging in Japan. The German branch of the Khazarian Mafia tried to kill the Japanese imperial family by pretending King Charles was still alive and using him to invite the royals to visit England in June. MI6 warned the royals it was a trap set by UK civil service head Simon Case and former MI6 head John Scarlett. A source close to the imperial family said they knew it was a trap and were not planning to go.

This invitation came after a major white hat victory in the battle for control of the Bank of Japan. The yen is now plunging to multi-decade lows because the Rothschilds know the BOJ is about to be nationalized. Until that happens they will print yen like there was no tomorrow (for them true) and then laundering it out of the country via the stock market.

BOJ nationalization is imminent because the white hats in Japan have removed the KM controlled faction headed by certain royal family members and certain members of the three legged crow secret society. These people confessed they were behind the recent mass murder of over 500,000 Japanese using toxic vaccines. They said they were under orders dating back to the time of President Roosevelt to reduce Japan’s population to a level (70 million people) where it could never again pose a threat to US power. Unlike the Germans, who were slaughtered outright (37 million of them were killed after WWII ended), the Japanese were allowed to gradually reduce their population. This is why women are indoctrinated not to have children and daily use products like shampoo and cosmetics are saturated with sterilizing chemicals.

The removal of the traitors who went along with this means Japan has now been de facto liberated.

The North Koreans agree saying “The pro-U.S. lackeys are bound to meet death and ruin for having completely sold off people and all valuables of the country.”

There is only some in fighting, between the Northern and Southern Imperial clans to be settled before the take-over of the BOJ is completed.

The White Dragon Society is recommending a division of powers between the Northern Clan – who are now formally in position- and the Southern clan who are supported by the Asian Secret Societies. In this plan the Northern clan, who also have Habsburg blood, would be in charge of diplomatic relations while the Southern Emperor would be in charge of domestic affairs. In the future both bloodlines would be reunited via marriage.

Regardless of the infighting both factions oppose the KM. That is why thousands of Japanese citizens are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty.

In any case, the East/West deal negotiated by Queen Elizabeth with the Asians before she was murdered will go ahead. In this deal the underlying goal shifted from “climate change” to increasing the amount and variety of life, including human life. This will be carried out by various future planning organizations that are being set up now along with the replacement organization for the UN. A more formal announcement is imminent.

OK, now let’s get back to the still raging battle to liberate the US and Canada.

The first thing people need to get into their heads is that Commander in Chief Donald Trump is not the Trump you are seeing on most of your screens.

That is why this newsletter does not pay attention to all the court theatrics based around the fake Donald Trump in Mar a Largo. To understand how easy it is to fake a person these days watch this (very slanderous but funny) AI Trump offer Melania for sale.

It is not all jokes though. In 2019 the fake Trump turned the birthday of Chabad death cult head Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson into a holiday.

Chabad lobbying is why, on March 20, 1991, President George H.W. Bush signed HJ Res. 104, the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine.

In other words, as far as they are concerned, killing Christians or Muslims or anyone who is not of their tribe is legal. This is why they tried to kill us all with vaccines and why they are being in turn hunted down.

It also turns out as much as 20% of the meat sold in super markets is human (mostly in sausage, hamburger and spaghetti sauce). This morning I saw an article saying a US state was about to pass a law banning cannibalism; meaning it is currently legal. The link has now apparently been removed from the net. The evidence is overwhelming though. Russian FSB sources confirm a lot of products are made from abortions including cosmetics and vaccines.

There is also more and more evidence they torture and kill children to harvest organs and adrenachrome. Here are some recent examples:

Ashraf al-Qudra, the spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry, said on Monday that dozens of bodies unearthed from the mass graves in Gaza were decapitated and had their organs and skins removed, and this is being reported by state news agencies like the IRNA (Iran Republic News Agency).

This find is just the tip of the iceberg. “We know that there were more children killed in Gaza in six months than in all the conflicts across the world in the last four years,” says Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine.

This has been going on for some time. Already during the Syrian Civil War the White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence) have been accused by Russia before UNof the same human organs’ traffic.

In Russia too, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zacharova blamed Ukraine, another NATO protectorate, of the same chilling business. Russian

soldiers found a horrific factory to raise children for prostitution and organ harvesting.

In the latest from the US, MS13 Satanists in Houston were caught kidnapping and sacrificing young girls.

This is all connected to the satanic Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline. A Pentagon official has confirmed that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and billionaire philanthropist George Soros are cousins.

Our own sources tell us they are both related to Adolf Hitler, just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Maybe that’s why they have NAZI heave metal concerts in Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

That is also probably why A 46-year-old former senior policy advisor the Obama administration has been charged with multiple child sex offenses.

In another sign of Satanic Nazi leadership, the European Court of Justice decreed member states can force people to be injected with untested gene altering vaccines. OJ:L:2009:242:0003:0012:DE:PDF

In Canada too, the Satanic Castrudeau government is still playing to the KM playbook. KM slave Chrystia Freeland can be seen here spouting out more gibberish such as “The jobs of today and the jobs of tomorrow depend on having [a strong climate plan].”

Even worse, Castrudeau announced the launch of a social rating system in the country, following the example of the Chinese one.

They are also trying to force people to get QR codes to visit and leave areas. This has already started in Madeleine Island, Quebec where you will be fined if you don’t get QR codes in order to leave.

This is part of a desperate last minute power grab by the KM. The White House “is now considering declaring a national climate emergency” which would give Biden “Covid-like powers.” This is what the climate crisis hoax is all about – power and control.

By the way, we have been 8-9 years away from climate change armageddon for the past 40-50 years.

Windmills are a case study of the damage caused by the false climate narrative. 

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Nothing and no One can stop our final ascend out of the false Matrix simulation BACK TO HEAVEN ON EARTH NOW!

With our new ancient future quantum self and New Ascension Earth coordinates and Cosmic history records fully UNLOCKing our NEW EVERYTHING NOW, as our Diamond Hearts and Minds, and Plasma Lightbodies, burst fully wide open and ignite our new Edenic and Paradisian self, bliss and realities, all from deep inside of us, as our New Divine Organic Blueprints come fully online and visible now!

All through the infinite power of us holding, anchoring and emitting the Frequency of True Divine Love!

The Frequency of The Godhead!

Us in full alignment and atOne with Cosmic God Source Consciousness and transmitting this out to all!





It’s what liberates, frees and heals all!

It’s us living in Truth!!!

As we FLIP IT all AROUND and see the positive in the negative. Seeing how everything is always serving us and co-created by the One!

From paranoia and people being against us to knowing ALL IS CREATED BY THE ONE FOR THE ONE, and is part of the Divine Plan and unfoldments, leading us all the way home!

Back to Oneness!!

Our true nature and essence!

Where there are no more victims!

No more victimizers!

As we delete these imprints from our own field and Consciousness of The One!!

That’s what aligns everything for us, from the inside out, as that’s us in full alignment and back home and in love with our Real Raw True Eternal Authentic God-Self!!!

This is where we return to our ancient future.

Free of all wars, discord and separation.

Free of all fallen memories

Free of fear.

Back to The Real.

Back to Truth.

Back to our Original Essence, Innocence and true nature.

Back to knowing ourselves as pure True Divine Love.



All as we reclaim our true God-given creator power, and with it, reclaim our Kingdom again! Reclaiming our lands and realities, our bodies, heart- Soul mind and spirit!!


As we remember that reality is but a dream, our daydreams become reality, as all worlds, dimensions, universes, kingdoms and beings have been merged and unified, and know that they are ATONE! [ Atonement ]

Now the big Supernova finale and fireworks are truly and finally here!!! 🎇

But the Solar flash is an I sided out event, triggered by our Diamond Heart-Minds bursting wide-open, igniting our Rainbow Bridge and Antahkarana, and plasma rainbow light-Body




You’re either JUMPing ALL IN-to Love and all new adventures and opportunities, or keep feeling stuck and lost in fear, and your own prison mind, and the false Matrix, continuing to suppress what your heart really wants and who you truly, really are.

If we’re not willing to let go of our false ego self and attachments to the illusions of the physical realm and are willing to sacrifice all we ever felt attached to, we will be tested and things taken away from us, as part of the trials and initiations that are part of ascension.

You have to become fully liberated, rebirthed, weightless, formless, boundless, limitless and fearless to become fully FREE & ESCAPE THE IMAGINED PRISON MATRIX for good now!

THE CHOICE IS truly YOURS NOW & THERE’S NO TIME TO LOSE, as linear time is up, and we transcend it, together with all false memories, illusions and sense of separation. With it, we trance-end [ Transend ] space, as well as, the false gravitational and magnetic field!





Eternal Love,

Ramona 💙

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